Animal jam, a future incident chapter 3, a mighty dolphin


               I went over to my future self. "I'll go get some more help," I told her. "ok, be careful!" she replied. I went deeper and deeper until I met a dolphin. "I am mighty, and I am full of spirit. I shall help you in your mission," she said like a brave soldier in a war. "Ok...," I spoke, "The shark is over there." Just then, Admiral Futurestone came down to where we were and beside me. "I'll help too!" he told me, joining in. "Thank you, I could use all the help I can get!" I replied. The shark came over. The dolphin, Mighty Spiritbuddy attacked him. Now he had a big scratch on his right fin. Mighty Spiritbuddy tried again, turning the scratch into a big gash that was bleeding. Mighty Spiritbuddy was mighty! The shark tried to swim away, but a lot seals, dolphins, and other sharks surrounded him . an easter egg blue seal with eyes the same green as my own approached him. "My name name is Future Toughbuddy and I am going to arrest you!" she said. She held out a badge and so did the rest of the animals that had stopped the shark. Admiral Futurestone did too. the badge said J.O. F.B.I. What did J.O. stand for? Then I knew it stood for Jamaa oceans. we all went into the hole at bottom left of Deep Blue and onto some kind of time travel platform. We went into the time the shark and future me had come from and took the shark to jail. My future self and said good bye to me and the rest of us went back to our own time. As we traveled, I realized that I had made some new friends.When we arrived, Admiral Futurestone, Mighty Spiritbuddy, Mighty Toughbuddy, and I went to Admiral Futurestone's den feeling triumphant and happy.


                              Admiral Futurestone and Mighty Toughbuddy I made up and the rest that got named and the shark are my animals, but I just pretended to really be my seal!

animal jam, a future incident chapter 2, The black shark!

    The dust cleared and I could see the black object better. We swam up to it. It was the black shark! "What do you want?" the shark growled sharply. Then he realized who we were. " YOU!" he growled ferociously. " ya, it's us. Wer'e here to stop you!" the future me said. I realized that the shark had a lightning bolt symbol on his name tag, really sharp teeth, and a really scary looking angler fish for a pet! "Ya, you'll never get away with this!" I said sheepishly. "Ha, oh really? I can hear the fear in your voice, Pilgrim Daisystone!" The shark answered. I wanted to run off, but I knew that would only make things WORSE right now.This shark was so scary, even scarier than I imagined! A seal named Admiral Futurestone swam by. The shark started to chase it. I knew only one way to stop him, so that's what I did. Right away, I swam up and bit the shark's tail, HARD! He swam back to the stone we had found him near. "Oh, thank you so much! He could have killed me swiftly!" Admiral Futurestone told me. "You're welcome," I replied.


                        Admiral Futurestone I made up. The rest are all me, but I just pretend I am the seal for real!

Animal Jam,a future incident chapter 1, Future seal

Hi, I'm a seal and my name is Pilgrim Daisystone. One day I was just swimming around in Bahari Bay, and then I saw a seal that look just like me other than what she wore and her name tag read the same as mine! The water was very dusty, but I could tell that she had these things! She had an eye patch and a hook on one fin! she had a  shark tooth necklace, too! I floated there shocked, trying to figure out what I was seeing. She swam up to me. "I am you from the future! I need your help, there is a black shark coming. He is also from the future. He has a red eye patch on all the time because I  hit him with my tail just right and hard enough that his eye came out! He wants to take over the oceans in Jamaa and for sharks to rule them. He wants to kill all seals. There might be sharks helping him, but don't be fooled, not all sharks are bad!" she said. I stared in horror. "But what happened to you?" I asked sheepishly. "He bit out out my eye and tore off my fin," she answered. "Come to deep blue with me," she spoke after a while. When we got there, I thought I saw something black, but I couldn't tell because, the Deep Blue was also very dusty and happens to be very dark, it was also Pretty late.

My animal jam news and other news

      Hey jammers! There is a new egg hunt! I have found eggs every where in Jamaa except for the oceans and township! If  you have any clues for me, please tell me! It's lots of fun, so what are you waiting for? Get out and find all 8 eggs!

       I just checked earlier today and found out we have until  April 12 to save the monkeys! So, please become a monkey today!

       Octopuses are here! If you are a member, become one today! I bet they are so fun!

       Custam Jam-a-gram messages are now possible for members! So send a Jam-a-gram today with your very own message!

        the April monthly membership gift is coming tomorrow! It is  your very own hot chocolate machine! I saw a picture and it looks just like the one in Mount Shiveer! I can't wait for mine! It will be nice to be able to get some Hot Choco without having to leave my den!

         I have a dog named Penut that has made a HUGE difference in my life! She is a mix of chihuahua and minicher pincher. Penut is brown with dark brown eyes and a black muzzle. Her tummy has a white stripe that starts  on her chest. She is so sweet and cute when she plays with your hand or toys and when she lays down, goes to sleep, or holds her ears part way back. She's like and is a really caring friend!

Save Monkeys!

Please help the monkeys in Jamaa! Please Help however you find how! Soon, we won't be able to make new monkeys and need a lot of help! So please do your part and help out, every bit counts! Be a monkey before it's too late! Buy Monkey plushies! Send Feed Back! Show how you feel! We might only have one chance and one day to make it happen! Please, monkeys need it and will be thankful!

P.S. Please also do your part to help out Real Monkeys.  They need your help, every bit counts!