It's gotta be a mistake!

Hi jammers! Please don't be mad, but I got this email about one of my other accounts:

I have honestly no idea what I did! This is just so weird! I think I will try and reply to it. Sorry I can't give much info, but I have no idea what happened! ?_?

square glasses, snow leopards

Hey Jammers! Today's new item is the square glasses:

And the pumas are really snow leopards. I saw the name of one on another blog, but didn't get my own picture! All for this on. Bye!


Hey jammers! Nothing much is new, but there is a new item out in Jam Mart Clothing:

the princess necklace
That's really all for now! Bye, and have fun in Jamma!

I might get a new banner!

Newest items

Hey jammers!

Today's new item is the snow machine and a few days ago, the snowy paw prints came out!

Plus, this jammer really cares for others! :D

All for now, bye!

Baby phantom?

Hey jammers! I saw something weird in Serepia forest:

A baby phantom?
Is it a phantom invasion? Only a matter of time until we know (maybe). Please tell me what you think!

Big skulls and pumas!

        Hey jammers!

Today's new item is the big skull!
There is also seemingly going to be another card animal in a couple of weeks. It's a puma! I hope I get my arctic wolf by then! I've even got a plan on how to style it!

I'm going to get the wrist bands, just got to wait a week or so until my dad gets the money for them! On the package, there is a lion, a tiger, and a ..................... puma!

Story ideas!

Hey jammers! I wanna make stories for all my animals, but only have an idea for my croc and a partial idea for Gorgeous Magicfriend. Gorgeous is an angel bunny who died of an unknown reason, but I need a story! O_(\  (face palm)

Triple Wonder Wednesday!!! And more!

Hey Jammers! Today's wonders are:

Sometimes I see this after a round of Falling  Phantoms beside a jammer's name! What does it mean?

These aren't in the stores anymore!  Are they an old item or one that hasn't come out yet?  There is also a heart eye-patch!

I tried the Nessie hat on my dolphin in Best Dressed, and it didn't quite fit! Why is that?

Also a glitch:

I had just been in the Sol Arcade to play the claw game. Somebody must've just come out of Temple of Trivia right when I went back to my den! There's one of those little stars beside the big horse! Plus, I heard the noise!
And more new stuff from the update!

Wristbands to help big cats! Lions, leopards, cheetahs, and more really need that help!  I know I'm probably gonna ask my mom and/dad! How about you? They are nine bucks and something cents, though! D:

Splash and dash! Non-members can now play it, too! :D
You can now read Graham's alpha story! I'm dismayed they changed them from shamans to alphas. It seems to be from shamans being "against some religions". D: I read a series of books that has basically holy figures for wolves, owls, bears, and other creatures, like Ursalana, Skaarsgaurd, and more! They don't have to believe in them! Just pretend when online! !_!

They have also made it wintery!
The picture on the side. That idea was inspired by Snowy claw, a jammer whose blog I like. Plus, my send-in email is now

Bye for now!

Hey! Read please!

Hey Jammers! Nothing seems to be new in Jamma. Sorry I keep going quiet! Now, to start the post.

I hope you got your snowman mask yesterday. Again, sorry I didn't post about that. I bought three, and sent one to my BFF, and another to her sister. The third one, I kept. Kinda an early Christmas styled item, though, don't you think? Also, I removed the link to my Email in the one post. That is so I don't get spam. I've also added a translations bar, and tried to add a Chatroll chatbox. =_=

Plus, I have something for tomorrow's Wonder Wednesday!



Ok, sorry for not posting in a while! I did get a tarantula, but I made it cute!  Watch for the next thing!